Data Privacy Policy

To Dom Pedro Hotels & Golf Collection users and customers privacy and security regarding personal data, is a priority.
In exception to the circumstances described in this privacy policy, Dom Pedro Hotels & Golf Collection does not share personal information with third parties.
The Group adopts principles, policies and procedures consistent with the values advocated; according to the standards and strategies that it has been taking, and that meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.
Some information provided by users and customers who visit our website are saved, so that we can provide our services and market products in an appropriate way, always according to the regulation.
All data processing is made with the previous consent of the data holder.
These principles are scrupulously followed by all Group employees, in accordance with the Group's internal Code of Conduct, which can be accessed here.
All employees of the Group who process data in the scope of their activities are individually responsible for compliance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions.

More Informations


Headquarters: Rua Drº Fernão De Ornelas Nr. 67 2º
9000-055 FUNCHAL


Our Data Protection Officer is Susana Cavaco, and may be contacted through the e-mail address:

If you wish to be informed about any issue related to our Privacy Policy, please contact us at or send us a letter to:

Hotel Dom Pedro
Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, 24, 1070-110 Lisboa
24 1070-110 Lisboa


We may ask you to provide some personal information. For example, if you wish to make a reservation at our hotel, we request information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card and room preferences, so that you may proceed with your reservation, and for us to fulfil our legal obligations.
As we indicate in the section "e-mail communication”, we may only inform you of promotions and special offers if we have obtained your consent for that purpose


We may ask you to provide some personal information.

If you wish to make a reservation at our hotel, we request information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card and room preferences, so that we can proceed with your reservation, and for us to fulfil our legal obligations.

All data collected and processed are used for the purposes that led to their collection, and of which the data holder has been duly informed.


In certain circumstances, and with your consent, we may share personal information with third parties.

Such distribution may arise from the work with representatives and service providers, hired for limited purposes, namely regarding the confirmation of reservations; offers of certain products and services associated with our website; e-mail correspondence, to provide customer service; to improve our clients’ online experience; to provide access to our partners’ websites; to provide a customized online experience and complete credit card transactions.

When there is a need to contract other services and third parties (subcontractors) that may have access to personal data of customers and employees, these companies will be obliged to adopt

all the security measures and protocols used in Dom Pedro Hotels & Golf Collection, namely regarding the protection of personal data and strict compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

A Data Processing Agreement is obligatory for all subcontractors, in which the company undertakes to take the necessary measures to protect the confidentiality and security of personal data, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to and use, loss or even unauthorized destruction of personal data.

Dom Pedro Hotels & Golf Collection is committed to only hire companies that present enough guarantees in order to ensure the defense of the rights of customers and employees.

In case of fulfillment of public interest obligations and exercise of the public authority of which the controller is invested, we are obliged to provide certain personal data, within the strictly necessary for the purpose in question.

We do not give information regarding personal data by telephone, to avoid the leakage of personal and confidential information.

Regarding the transfer of personal data to external entities or countries outside the Union, Dom Pedro Hotels & Golf Collection does not transfer personal data, except for complying with some legal requirement, or when there is consent of the owner himself.

In the case of transfer to third countries and international organizations, they may only be carried out in full compliance with this Regulation. Transfers may only be carried out if, subject to the other provisions of this Regulation, the conditions set out in the provisions of this Regulation concerning transfers of personal data to third countries and international organizations are fulfilled by the controller or subcontractor.

Links to other websites

Our website contains links that redirect users to other websites whose privacy policies may be different from the privacy policy of Dom Pedro Hotels.

We recommend that you check the privacy policies of those websites before disclosing any personal information.

In any case, note that those websites do not share your personal information with Dom Pedro Hotels.

We are not responsible for the privacy policy, content or use of cookies from other websites.

How we protect your personal information?

To protect the information you provide to us, we have implemented various security measures, including administrative, technical and physical measures.

One of the techniques that we use for online transactions is a technology called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). If your browser supports SSL (most browsers support), your personal information will be automatically encrypted, or encoded, before it is sent over the Internet.

Dom Pedro Hotels booking engine vendor uses a Digital certificate from Rapid SSL, one of the leading providers of internet services. This certificate guarantees that your personal information is transmitted securely (encrypted) to a secure server and not to an unknown or unauthorized server.

Dom Pedro also adopts other security measures regarding the security of personal data:

- Anti-virus software that provides protection against malware;
- Antivirus software that provides protection for the browser and for e-mail;
- The corporate network is protected by a firewall;
- Personal data backups are automatically enhanced;
- Our corporate Wi-Fi network is password protected;
- Remote access to our corporate network is only possible through a VPN (Virtual Private Network);
- Privileged accounts are not used for daily tasks and access to them is possible only by privileged users, and from devices dedicated and limited only to authorized persons;
- Access to sensitive personal data is controlled and limited;
- Data loss prevention software is used to protect sensitive and personal data;
- The procedures for verifying, detecting, analyzing and reporting security incidents are developed and communicated within the organization, mainly through frequent contact with the DPO;
- Personal and sensitive data are all encrypted;
- E-mail communications are encrypted;
- Folders in the Cloud / Network are encrypted.

In addition to all measures taken, the Group closely monitors all procedures through audits to see if they are effective and match the needs of the GDPR.

Cookies and other information

When you visit our website, you will receive a cookie (a small data packet sent to the user's browser) to be saved on the hard drive of your computer. The purpose of using cookies is to identify the user when you visit our website, so we can improve and customize the online experience.

Cookies only identifies the device of the user and does not store any personal data or personal information.

To visit our site without cookies, you should configure your browser to reject all cookies or have a notification when a cookie is set (each browser is different, so check the "Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your preferences about cookies).

We may also use third party cookies on our website, to help us manage online advertising. These cookies are provided by our advertising partners and will allow you to recognize a unique cookie on your browser that, in its turn, allow us to know which ads generate traffic to our site, as well as show you personalized advertisements based on your search and in hotels you viewed.

The information we collect, and share is anonymous and is not identifiable, and does not contain your name, address, telephone number or email address.

Some of our business partners (e.g. advertisers) use cookies on our site. Dom Pedro Hotels has no access to or control over these cookies. This privacy policy applies only to the use of cookies on the website Dom Pedro and does not cover the use of cookies by any advertiser or partner.

When you visit our website, it is also possible that we store some information from your computer, to improve our services and to improve the quality of the experience on our website.

Every time you make a reservation through our website, we record in our database about reservations some data such as the name of the customer, email, hotel, check-in, check-out, IP address, so that we can improve our reservation procedures.

E-mail communications

We have no intention of sending commercial communications by e-mail, without your prior consent.

If you choose to receive our periodic communications, we may occasionally send you emails with new promotions, featured hotels and special offers.

You may, at any time, choose to stop receiving these emails, through our website or in the "unsubscribe” option in every e-mail sent.


Dom Pedro Hotels & Golf Collection establishes procedures to protect and enforce the rights of data holders.

Some of your rights:

- The right to access your data processed by us, obtaining a copy of the data;
- The right to rectification of any inaccurate personal data concerning you;
- The right to have your personal data deleted, unless the law provides otherwise, and, in that case, to limit processing;
- Our Guests may oppose the processing of data that concerns them, for purposes associated with their circumstances, in accordance with the law;
- Our guests can also request the limitation of data processing;
- Data portability rights;
- Right to change the consent already given, without compromising the treatment made with the consent previously given;
- The right to be notified in the case of personal data breach;
- Right to be notified when information is stored by another method other than the original;
- Right not to be contacted for advertising, direct marketing or any other form of commercial prospecting, as well as its non-communication to third parties for the same purposes, except with the prior consent of the data holder; and
- Right to complain to any supervisory authority, or through the website of the National Data Protection Commission.


We store personal data collected during the period established by law, when legal obligations are concerned, namely the invoicing and accounting records, for 10 years, for internal purposes.

For documents that are fulfilled by each guest upon check-in (Registration Card), these are stored for a period of 5 years.

In cases where there is prior consent to the processing of personal data, data are stored only for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes of the service concerned. There is always a possibility for the data holder to withdraw his consent.

Through our website it is possible to book SPA and other services by filling out a form containing personal data. These are stored for 1 month, information that is given to the customer on the form itself.

Regarding the newsletter subscription, personal data are collected after the consent of the client. These data are stored for the duration of the commercial relationship and the client may withdraw his consent at any time.

In our loyalty program, Dom Pedro Club Card, data will be processed and stored for the duration of the loyalty and the customer may leave our databases at any time. All information is available at the time of loyalty.

Personal data may be retained for longer periods, in case of public interest archiving purposes, or for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes.

Changes in this privacy policy

To ensure the updating of the Data Privacy Policy, Dom Pedro Hotels may change this privacy policy.

All changes will be published in the related channels, so that all guests and employees have access to it.